About BIS

Activating the leading role of the Bahrain Internet Society

Since its inception in 2002 Bahrain Internet Society (BIS) strived to
serve the community of Bahrain by spreading awareness on the
benefits of the Internet and working towards an efficient national
digital transformation.

The progressive advancement in technology and its impact on the
cultural, in which Internet solutions and applications of technology
are not suited for today’s requirements, in addition to the rapid
spread and sophistication of smartphones continuing to reach
everyone’s hands.
The existence of advanced techniques including electronic gaming,
digital transformation, cloud computing, internet of things and
social media created significant challenges, and one of the
essential issues improving privacy protection and information
security for users.
Bahrain Internet Society will focus in the coming period on the
restoration of the leading role of the Bahrain Internet Society as a
civil society organisation and supporting initiatives that keep pace
with this acceleration in line with Bahrain 2030, which qualifies the
Kingdom of Bahrain to become a leading capital of the Internet,
focusing on cooperation and partnership with private and public sector organisations and interested civil society institutions in the
Kingdom of Bahrain to realise Bahrain Internet Society strategy for
the next two years 2018-2020.




Embrace the development of sustainable and trending Internet
technologies to enhance the experience, content and process flow
for the quality of lifestyle.
Establish alliances with key stakeholders to develop a reliable
platform for professional Internet groups.
